Steve's Blog

Tips on Keeping the Coach/Child Athlete Relationship a Healthy One

The allegations of child sexual abuse against a former Penn State assistant football coach have stoked fears in many parents, as our colleagues at the WSJ’s The Juggle blog have written.

Few Americans Think Health is Improving in the U.S.

Public skepticism about health isn’t confined to doubts about last year’s health care law: Most Americans also think the overall health of the public isn’t improving, according to a new poll commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Erosion of tax revenues will lead to undercut of essential functions

In just a few short months, the Kansas Legislature will return to Topeka for the 2012 legislative session. And this year, perhaps more than ever before, what they must not do is even more important than anything they might do.

A Health Insurance Exchange Lobbying Scramble, from drugstores to doctors

From insurance companies to drugstores to doctors, just about
Drugstore chain CVS has petitioned the Obama administration should shape the new insurance markets at the heart of the health-care reform law.

Where we live, learn, work and play matters to your company or organization

A few weeks ago, patients, staff and providers at my organization celebrated our second annual Diversity Day, where staff, programs and community partners come together to “break bread” and share information about their ethnic community or affinity group.

Enough is Enough

While we fight over health care reform, more blameless Americans grow sick and die.

NAMI Honors KCPD's Commitment to Serve

Our Informant newsletter this month highlights our Crisis Intervention Team Program. Two other local law enforcement agencies and KCPD led the charge to bring this program that serves the mentally ill to Missouri 10 years ago. It has saved many lives since.