Access to health care is fundamental to the mission of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. As our mission states, we aim to provide leadership, advocacy and resources that eliminate barriers to health for the uninsured and underserved in our service area.
In the health care industry, safety net health care represents the diverse group of providers that serve these vulnerable populations. It’s where people go for health care when they have nowhere else to go. Perhaps they lack traditional employer-based health care because of lost a job, or they may be individuals with mental or physical disabilities. These individuals do not have the option to choose from a large list of private health care providers. They often visit the nearest public health department, community clinic or public hospital - providers that accept Medicaid or provide sliding-scale services. These organizations have organizational and legal missions to be providers of last resort.
Safety net providers offer important community services with limited resources, and are continually stretched beyond capacity. Our difficult economic times only exacerbate their needs through increased demand for their services.
At the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, we take seriously our dedication to our local safety net providers by providing support through our foundation defined grants, while being an advocate for vulnerable populations.
Families USA, May 30, 2014
Kaiser Family Foundation, Oct. 23, 2013
Kaiser Family Foundation, November 2013
Kaiser Family Foundation, infographic courtesy of the Journal of American Medical Association, May 15, 2013
Kaiser Family Foundation, infographic courtesy of the Journal of American Medical Association, Aug. 28, 2013
Health Affairs/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Aug. 15, 2013
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Policy brief, Kaiser Family Foundation, March 22, 2012
The Kaiser Family Foundation, Oct. 12, 2011
The Commonwealth Fund
Kaiser Family Foundation, September 1, 2011
The Commonwealth Fund, July 15, 2011.
Kaiser Foundation, May 2011.
Baseline data and tools to help monitor the status of local safety nets in providing health care to low-income and other vulnerable populations; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
The Commonwealth Fund, May 2010
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, December 2010.
U.S. Census Bureau, September 2010.
Mid-America Regional Council, June 2013. Link will open a PowerPoint file.
Missouri Foundation for Health, August 2012. Link will open a pdf document.
Missouri Foundation for Health, August 2012. Link will open a pdf document.
Missouri Foundation for Health and Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, July 2012. Link will open a pdf document.
Missouri Foundation for Health, May 2012. Link will open a Word document.
Issues in Missouri Health Care 2011: Issue briefs exploring the challenges facing Missourian's and their health care system. Developed by Health Management Associates and funded by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and the Missouri Foundation for Health.
Issues in Missouri Health Care 2011: Issue briefs exploring the challenges facing Missourian's and their health care system. Developed by Health Management Associates and funded by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and the Missouri Foundation for Health.
Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, April 2011.
Mid-America Regional Council, prepared for the REACH Health Care Foundation, October 2010.
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC).
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC), July 2009.
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC).
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC), February 2010