Provides child welfare professionals with easy access to vital information about selected child welfare related programs.
Child abuse and family violence are devastating tragedies that sadly affect many people and cuts across every demographic. The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City supports several organizations working to stop child abuse and family violence, as well as organizations that support its victims. These organizations provide advocacy, education and research, and support services such as shelter, safety training and counseling.
Provides child welfare professionals with easy access to vital information about selected child welfare related programs.
Powerpoint presentation provided by Julie Beck, LMSW, Rose Brooks Center, Inc.
The Hotline is a nonprofit organization that provides crisis intervention, information and referral to victims of domestic violence, perpetrators, friends and families. The Hotline answers a variety of calls and is a resource for domestic violence advocates government officials, law enforcement agencies and the general public.
NCCAFV provides prevention services by bringing together community and national stakeholders, volunteers and professionals to prevent intergenerational family violence: child abuse and neglect, spouse/partner abuse, and elder abuse and neglect.
NCADV’s mission is to organize for collective power by advancing transformative work, thinking and leadership of communities and individuals working to end the violence in our lives.
NCDSV designs, provides, and customizes training and consultation, influences policy, promotes collaboration and enhances diversity with the goal of ending domestic and sexual violence.
Futures Without Violence works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by violence because everyone has the right to live free of violence.
Wichita State University, Center for Community Support and Research
Combats crimes against children by providing high quality research and statistics to the public, policy makers, law enforcement personnel, and other child welfare practitioners.
Provides expertise, leadership and innovation on policies, programs, and practices help improve the lives of millions of children in all 50 states.
Wichita State University, Center for Community Support and Research.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2013
From the Kansas City Child Abuse Roundtable. This link will open a pdf.
MCADSV is a statewide membership coalition of organizations and individuals working to end violence against women and their children through direct services and social and systemic change.
MOCSA offers therapy, support and advocacy for victims of rape and sexual assault, for sexually abused children and families, for adult survivors of child sexual abuse, and for others touched by sexual violence. Through the years MOCSA has enhanced and increased outreach, prevention and education programs focused on children, youth, professionals and community groups.
KCSDV focuses on the prevention and elimination of sexual and domestic violence through a statewide network of programs providing support and safety for all victims of sexual and domestic violence and stalking, with primary focus on women and their children; direct services; public awareness and education; advocacy for victims; comprehensive prevention; and, social change efforts.
Institute of Medicine; Sept. 15, 2011