Teaching children to calm themselves
New York Times, March 19, 2014
Many teens have no place to call home, and their number is rising
Kansas City Star, January 21, 2014
Gov. Jay Nixon seeks millions in new funding for Missouri Children’s Division
Kansas City Star, January 16, 2014
Nixon to take acton on two bills to protect Missouri children
Kansas City Star, July 9, 2013
Missouri Task Force Finds Ways to Fight Child Abuse
Fox 4 News, January 4, 2013
National crime rates going up, those reported to KC police staying down
Kansas City Star, October 17, 2012
Healthcare Reform to Increase Domestic Violence Screenings
Public News Service, August 3, 2012
When domestic violence turns deadly
Kansas City Star, April 26, 2012
Attorneys General Urges Congress to Reauthorize Domestic Violence Programs
KC Info Zone, January 13, 2012
Child Abuse Gets Attention from State Task Force
Missouri Kids First, January 10, 2012