Steve's Blog

Health Care Reform: Why It's Safe From the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court will not overturn health care reform. At least if the five-justice conservative majority that brought the country Citizens United and Bush v. Gore can be stymied by the possibility of being the first court in over 75 years to strike down a sitting president's signature domestic achievement.

The Complex Process of Getting Health Care in America

Accessing health care in this country can be a complex process for many of us. The first question we often ask ourselves is, “Do I need to see a doctor?” We tend to answer that question with a series of other questions. How much will it cost (especially if I don’t have insurance)? Will my insurance (if I have insurance) cover the visit and possible treatment? Can we afford to seek treatment? Can we find a doctor that will be able to address our need? Will seeing a doctor help the problem?” And there are other questions too.

The State We're In

The ACA brings unprecedented challenges to our states, and day one of the National Health Policy Conference focused on the key issues facing state policy professionals.

You've Got a Friend

Having a friend, or more formally, a support system, is something that differentiates poor mothers who don’t slide into homelessness from those who do.

Tobacco Tax Campaign Has Become a Pile-On

Right now, all kinds of folks are clamoring for an increase in Missouri's tobacco tax -- at 17 cents per pack, the lowest in the nation. Yet so far, nobody's pulling in exactly the same direction.

Fight Over Missouri's Cigarette Tax Heats Up; Lung Association Gives State Failing Grade

Missouri received its annual report card last week from the American Lung Association. The result ain't pretty.

A New Year Brings Hope

This month marks a new year, destined to be a momentous one. As we look forward to what this year may bring, El Centro, Inc. offers the following policy wish list. It builds on the collective experiences of those around whom our work always centers: the families with whom we have the privilege to work every day. As always, we welcome collaboration with individuals and organizations who share our vision of a public policy system that supports families and invests in our shared future.