Steve's Blog

Study: Under a Romney-like Medicare plan, seniors face higher costs

Shopping for health care just got a lot easier

OK, I'm not prepared to say that shopping for health insurance is ever going to be as easy as shopping for a can of soup, but on September 23 it's going to get a lot closer.

Missouri Foundation for Health Paves the Way for LGBT Health Equity

Over the past year there have been many positive strides to address issues related to health disparities and access to care for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

New Insurance Plans Must Now Cover Additional Preventive Services for Women without Co-pays

An estimated 450,000 Kansas women to benefit from this important provision of the health law.

I Hope This Ruling Will Stimulate a Stronger Sense of Urgency to Reduce and Ultimately Eliminate Health Disparities

I am deeply encouraged by the recent Supreme Court Health ruling on health reform. I consider this a major step toward ensuring that the countless numbers of patients, underserved communities and even personal friends who I have worked with will now have a better chance of getting the health care they deserve.

Seeds of Possible

More Solid Proof That Obamacare Is Working

Recent data provided by the nation’s largest health insurance companies reveals that a provision of the Affordable Care Act – or Obamacare – is bringing big numbers of the uninsured into the health care insurance system.