Innovation Network Logic Model Workbook
Innovation Network (website)
HCF Logic Model
Key Steps in Outcome Management (pdf)
An Overview of the outcome management process, identifying specific steps and providing suggestions for examining and using the outcome information.
Analyzing Outcome Information (pdf)
This guide offers suggestions to nonprofits for analyzing regularly collected data, focusing on basic analysis activities that programs can do for themselves.
Using Outcome Information (pdf)
This report describes and provides examples of how nonprofits have used outcome information internally. It also discusses factors that appear to contribute to, or hinder, use of outcome information by nonprofits.
Finding Out What Happens to Former Clients (pdf)
This report provides information on tracking former clients of a program and on using information from these clients in a meaningful way.
Surveying Clients (pdf)
This guide provides detailed information about developing and using clients surveys.
Measuring Advocacy (pdf)
This framework (produced by the Urban Institute and the Center for What Works) offers a template for tracking progress of advocacy programs. It identifies potential outcomes as well as indicators that could be tracked to measure such programs.