I am having difficulty uploading attachments to my online application.

HCF received notice from the company that hosts our online application service regarding a technical issue which may cause some applicants difficulty when attempting to upload attachments to their online application. The technical issue will affect those applicants who currently use Symantec AntiVirus 10:

ISSUE: When uploading a file to an online application, if an applicant has the Symantec AntiVirus 10 File Auto Protect Feature enabled, the Symantec file scan may delay the file upload to the online application (that is, it will take a LONG time to upload, potentially disrupt the application process, and cause much frustration for the applicant!)

SOLUTION: If an applicant’s computer is currently using Symantec AntiVirus 10, to decrease the amount of time needed to upload files, we recommend considering one of the following options:

  • When uploading files to the online application, temporarily disable the auto protect feature by right-clicking on the shield symbol (located at the lower right-hand side of your computer screen);
  • At the onset of clicking “Upload,” refrain from clicking anywhere within the browser until noticing that the file has begun to upload. NOTE: If this option is chosen, the applicant may still experience a noticeable delay
  • Upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0

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