Local Health Buzz blog: Top 10 Posts of 2014

By HCF Blog Team on December 22, 2014

What a year 2014 has been. We really ramped up production on our blog, hearing more from guest bloggers on health and health care in our communities and nation. In fact, we posted just under 100 blog entries this year, and nearly three-quarters were from our grantees and community partners. We strive to highlight the […]

HCF’s Year in Review Blog Series

By HCF Blog Team on December 22, 2014

Before we ring in the New Year, HCF associates blogged about events, projects and moments from 2014 that impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. Our Year in Review blog series has been annual activity for the last three years, and we’re pleased to present the full series here for your […]

Looking Ahead: 2014 Gives Us Hope for Health in the Coming Year

By Bridget McCandless, MD on December 18, 2014
President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On the 10th and final day of our Year In Review series, HCF President/CEO […]

Looking at Health Through the Equity Lens Approach

By Adriana Pecina on December 18, 2014
Program Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On day nine of our Year In Review series, HCF Program Officer Adriana Pecina […]

Together We Can Improve Health

By Graciela Couchonnal on December 17, 2014
Vice President of Programs, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On day eight of our Year In Review series, HCF Program Officer Graciela Couchonnal […]

Filling the Void in Health Reporting

By Jennifer Sykes on December 16, 2014
Communications Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

Before we bid farewell to an eventful year dominated by the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, our HCF associates take a look back at significant events and projects and share their insights about the year 2013. On day six of our year in review, HCF Communications Officer Jennifer Sykes looks at the troubling decrease […]

Buyer Beware: Aging into Medicare

By Rhonda Holman on December 16, 2014
Vice President, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On day seven of our Year In Review series, HCF Vice President/COO Rhonda Holman […]

Marketplace Enrollment: A Case Study in How Evaluation Should Work

By Jane Mosley, PhD on December 15, 2014
Program and Evaluation Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

On day six of our Year In Review series, HCF Program and Evaluation Officer Jane Mosley presents a case study on why evaluation is crucial to a project’s success. Why do we evaluate? We ask our grantees to make evaluation a part of their proposal. And we do the same with our own organization-led initiatives. […]

People Want to Use Their Voice

By Andres Dominguez on December 12, 2014
Program Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On day five of our Year In Review series, HCF Program Officer Andres Dominguez […]

Heartland Health Monitor: Transforming Health News in Kansas City

By Jennifer Sykes on December 11, 2014
Communications Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On day four of our Year In Review series, HCF Communications Officer Jennifer Sykes […]


HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at .


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Kansas City MO 64108
(816) 241-7006
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