Leadership Is in Your Heart

By Brenda Calvin on December 10, 2014
Program Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On day three of our Year In Review series, HCF Program Officer Brenda Calvin […]

That Is What I Know

By Mary Kettlewell on December 9, 2014
Program Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

As has become an annual activity for our organization, before we ring in the new year, we take a look back at events, projects and moments from 2014 that have impacted the health care scene in our communities and our nation. On day two of our Year In Review series, HCF Program Officer Mary Kettlewell […]

Living the Mission

By Jessica Hembree on December 8, 2014
Program Officer, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

I’m going to invite you to take out your organization’s mission statement and give it a hard look. Yeah, I imagine most of you have it memorized and ready to deliver as an “elevator speech” to someone at a networking function or potential donor, but today I am inviting you to stop and really read […]

Patients Face Major Hurdles in Understanding Explanation of Benefits

By Stan Hudson on December 3, 2014
Associate Director, Center for Health Policy

If you have ever struggled to understand your EOB — the explanation of benefits from your health or dental insurance plan — you are not alone. You need to use many health literacy skills to achieve understanding of this document. In addition to understanding complex insurance terms, such as “copay,” “deductible,” and “coinsurance,” you have […]

5 reasons to eat local for the holidays

5 reasons to eat local for the holidays

By HCF Blog Team on November 26, 2014

Long gone are the dog days of summer. Winter, while not “officially” here, made its appearance early with bitter cold. Fortunately, with the decline in temperature, we also get to usher in the season of Thanksgiving, that wondrous holiday when we give thanks for the many blessings, family and friends in our lives. It also […]

50 Million Step Challenge a Success

By Bunny Hayes on November 19, 2014
Health Club Supervisor and Wellness Coach Trainer, ReDiscover Mental Health

THE CHALLENGE: Walk 50 Million steps in 3 months, starting Aug. 1, and ending Nov. 1. READ: Mental health community views walking challenge as step toward improved overall health The seven Kansas City metro community mental health centers (CMHC) exceeded their 50 Million Step goal, together walking 58.4 million steps, totaling 29,236 miles. This year’s […]

Honest Numbers Matter

By Jeanette Mott Oxford on November 12, 2014
Executive Director, Empower Missouri

Audrey, a coffee shop owner in Jefferson City, Mo., recently told me about her surprise when she gave a really good employee a raise, and the worker seemed disappointed. Audrey’s surprise turned to dismay when she gave the employee a second raise a few months later. The employee quit. “She was such a good employee […]

Food Labels Get New Look, but Educators Still Have Work to Do on Health Literacy in Diets

By Catina O’Leary on November 12, 2014
President and CEO, Health Literacy Missouri

Health literacy is in everything we do — from understanding the dosages on pill bottles to knowing how to follow our doctor’s instructions. But there’s another area of our lives where health literacy skills are essential to getting and staying healthy: The ability to understand the labels on the foods we eat every day. The […]

Pilot Program Offers Follow-Up Dental Care Outside of Emergency Departments

By Michael McCunniff, DDS on November 6, 2014
Dental Public Health Department Chair, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry

The national trend for patients who have dental pain and lack a primary care dentist is to access Emergency Departments (ED) for treatment for their oral health issue. Missouri and the Kansas City metro area Emergency Departments exhibit similar data. The major concern with this care delivery model is that the majority of EDs do […]

Eating Healthy Is Possible

By Andie Borchardt on November 6, 2014
Communications Intern, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

I am the daughter of a medical biochemist, a registered dietician, and registered diabetes educator — all three wrapped up in one. Because of my mother I have never been hard up for a healthy meal. By the time I was in fifth grade, I understood the importance of balancing carb and protein intake, and […]


HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at .


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