Kansas City Regional Health News

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The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City is proud to partner with the Kansas Health Institute news service to provide weekly health stories about health and policy issues impacting the greater Kansas City region. This News Service is an editorially independent program of the Kansas Health Institute and the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and is committed to objective coverage of health issues. For story ideas, please contact Mike Shields at .

Top Stories

By Mike Sherry, for the KHI News Service, Aug. 30, 2012

KANSAS CITY, Kan. – Public health officials on Wednesday celebrated a long-awaited expansion of a safety-net clinic here that will do double duty as a training ground for University of Kansas...

By Mike Sherry, for the KHI News Service, Aug. 27, 2012

KANSAS CITY, Kan. – An effort by the Unified Government of Wyandotte County to lure grocery store operators to underserved, low-income parts of...

By Mike Sherry, for the KHI News Service, Aug. 24, 2012

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Reducing homelessness is a good prescription for cutting the nation’s health care costs, according to housing activists who...

Health News


  • NIH News, August 28, 2012
  • Kaiser Health News, August 27, 2012
  • American Medical News, August 27, 2012


  • KHI News, August 29, 2012
  • Kansas City Star, August 30, 2012
  • KCUR News, August 28, 2012

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