Prescription drug card organization offers free prescription assistance for Kansas and Missouri residents

By: Angela Garvey, Program Director for the Kansas Drug Card

Prescription drug costs can cause financial hardship to families, so people often forgo or inconsistently use their medications because of the high cost associated with prescription medications.

the Kansas Drug CardWe can help though. The free Prescription Assistance Program (PAP), run by Kansas Drug Card, helps ensure patients follow their doctor's orders, which have proven to increase patient outcome for many!

Free RX Drug Cards are available to all Kansas and Missouri residents.* This program provides prescription medication savings at most major pharmacy chains. With more than 25 percent of all residents currently without prescription drug coverage, this is an excellent resource, and yes, it is free!

How it works is easy: Simply create and download a card at All cards are pre-activated, confidential and can be used immediately at most any pharmacy chain in Kansas or Missouri.

  • This FREE Prescription Drug Card is available to everyone however was launched primarily to help the uninsured and underinsured. The Drug Card cannot be combined with insurance. You can use it instead of insurance if:
    • The insurance has no drug coverage
    • There is a high drug deductible
    • There is a low medicine cap that has been met
    • The insurance does not cover the medication you need
    • There is a high co-pay and the drug card offers a better price
    • You are in the Medicare Part D donut hole
  • The card can be used to get discounts of up to 75 percent off most brand name and generic medications with the average savings around 30 percent.
  • The card has NO restrictions, no enrollment forms, no age or income requirements, no waiting periods, no eligibility required, no exclusions, covers pre-existing conditions, no claim forms to file, no annual or lifetime limits and has no expiration date.
  • This program can be used by people who have Major Medical Plans with no RX Benefits, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), High Deductible Plans, and Medicare Part D (on non-covered drugs).
  • This program can also be used on vet/pet meds when filled at a retail pharmacy.
  • All prescriptions processed through the program are confidential

With ongoing community outreach efforts being made each week with area providers, health organizations, school districts and more, it is exciting to be helping so many! We encourage you to please share this resource and website with your friends and family!

If you are a medical provider who needs a supply of wallet cards for ongoing patient distribution please email your request. For questions please contact , or by phone 913.638.8415.

*Although our site is “Kansas” Drug Card we recently expanded our coverage area to include the bi-state area in an effort to ensure both KS and MO residents in the metro area have access.



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HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at



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