Kansas Underserved Benefit from Enhanced Loan Repayment Funding

Recently, two federal programs that provide loan repayment to providers in Kansas working in underserved areas obtained enhanced federal funding, the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program and the Kansas State Loan Repayment Program.

On September 1, 2009, the Kansas Primary Care Office received federal funding through the National Health Service Corps for its State Loan Repayment Program. This funding doubled the amount of money available to health professionals serving in underserved communities and will allow for more State Loan Repayment Program awards. The State Loan Repayment Program assists eligible health professionals with up to $60,000 for the repayment of educational loans in exchange for an initial two-year service commitment in a federally designated Health Professional Shortage Area.

On June 2, 2009, the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) launched the expanded Recovery Act NHSC Loan Repayment Program. The NHSC offers a number of programs to encourage primary care health professionals to practice in America's underserved communities. Primary care health professionals in return receive up to $50,000 for loan repayment for educational loans. The minimum commitment is for two years. The site must be an approved National Health Service Corps site before a clinician may apply. Sites must be located in a Health Professional Shortage Area and have a sliding fee scale.

Information on both programs is available on the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website at http://www.kdheks.gov/olrh/FundLoan.html. Further information on the NHSC is available at: http://nhsc.hrsa.gov/. Also, please feel free to contact Barbara Huske in the Kansas Primary Care Office at (785) 296-2742 or .

Robert Stiles, Primary Care
Bureau of Local and Rural Health
Kansas Department of Health and Environment


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