Money Does Not Solve Problems, People Do!

I had the pleasure of working for the Kauffman Foundation for over 11 years and in the early years of the foundation I had the honor of working directly with Mr. Kauffman (Mr. K). One day Mr. K told us that “Money does not solve problems, people solve problems and if people work together there is nothing that cannot be accomplished”. I have always remembered that quote because in the foundation world we give away money and in Mr. K’s eyes that was not such a big deal. We have the easy job. The tough job lies in the hands to those of you who work in the nonprofit community who are working to provide quality programs to your clients.

Next month this foundation is going to begin discussing a $7 million Safety Net RFP. I encourage you to check our web site for deadlines and funding guidelines. We fund a lot of existing programs because they work. We are very open to consider funding “breakthrough ideas” that may be a big departure from the status quo. I challenge folks who are going to submit a proposal to us to dream big and don’t be afraid to propose a grant request that could cause a massive system change.

As Mr. K said money does not solve problems – People solve problems --but only if we dare to dream outside our comfort zone and think about how things should be. Good Luck!


Great blog and great quote! I'm jealous you got to work so close with Mr. K. He was a great man and did great things for Kansas City. This community is lucky to have not 1, but 2, Rolings working in the non-profit sector. Keep up the good work with the blog!

I think we are very lucky in the Kansas City non profit community because most agencies encourage service providers to think outside the box in order to provide the best possible service for our clients. Thanks to Mr. K for those insightful words of wisdom. This is a great blog!

Well said, Steve. That is a great quote. Thank you for sharing!

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About Me

Steve Roling

Steve Roling

Steve Roling is the President/CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Each week he blogs about issues that inspire him as we work toward eliminating barriers to quality health.
