The Maiden Voyage

Those of you who know me will laugh when you hear I am writing a blog. To say I am technically challenged is an understatement. However, I do understand and appreciate various forms of communications so I have decided to join the 21st century. Over 20 years ago, I was the Publisher of the Kansas City Business Journal and in that capacity wrote editorials and opinion columns on a regular basis. While I don’t pretend to be a good writer, I do like to tell stories and comment on things I see happening in our community.

I will do my best to write my blog in a manner that will prove to be useful and constructive, as we think about and discuss important issues that we all are confronted with on a daily basis. Over the years I have been a banker, publisher, community organizer and worked as a nonprofit residential treatment staff member, local foundation executive, the Director of the Missouri Department of Social Services and as a legislative assistant for a U.S. Senator. Obviously, from the chair I sit in now at HCF, I will have something to say about our community’s health programs for the uninsured and the underserved, but I also plan to comment on items that may not have an obvious direct connection to health.

When people encouraged me to start this blog, my first comment was “Who will read it”? I remember sitting on the hill of the Liberty Memorial the night before the first Spirit Festival with of few of my fellow organizers and we collectively wondered if anyone would show up. The Spirit Festival lasted many years and became a Kansas City tradition. As I start this cyber journey, I hope I am equally surprised by the people who read and react to this blog.
I welcome your feedback.

Thank you for reading my first blog and for joining me on this new journey.


Bookmarked as one of my favorite links! I will read it, Steve! Keep blogging!

Good for you! You represent our generation so well in so many ways and now you have proven beyond a doubt that we can learn how to use technology well. I learned about this blog from Susie, whom I have come to love working with on a mutual grant funded project. Best, Leigh

Steve, some of us remember back when you thought a blog was just some type of high-fiber breakfast cereal. You obviously know better now! Those of us who admire and respect your considerable wisdom and compassion just gained a new way to keep tabs on you. This will be a real treat! All the best, Chris Whitley

You may think this is an April Fool's joke, but I may have been the first one to read your blog yesterday, but at my old age I couldn't figure out how to comment with a response. You are still a VERY good writer and your first Blog is a good one. Keep it up.

Well, Steve this is GREAT. I look forward to hearing from you on the health problems of the community but most of all the under-served and those of color that sit at the top of every health list for disparities. Then the community will look and need HCF for training of funding and grant writing. There are many grassroots and faith-based organization that serve the community but lack the funds to help the masses. So Thank you for this Blog to talk.

I will follow your lead and bravely cross into new horizons and blog sites!Thanks for sharing this communication with us.

Welcome to the new world! Don't forget mental health issues!

You are a wonderful writer, incredible leader, and a great source of knowledge for this community. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

Wow, I am so impressed. This is a great blog. I look forward to your next installment. Hope all is well for you. I will let all of your friends in Jefferson City know how savvy you are. Connie

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About Me

Steve Roling

Steve Roling

Steve Roling is the President/CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Each week he blogs about issues that inspire him as we work toward eliminating barriers to quality health.
