Happiness Is...

Knee replacement surgery is not for the faint of heart. It has been a little over two weeks since my wife had her surgery and she is getting better every day. Thank you to the many folks who told us stories about others who successfully completed this procedure. Also, thanks to those of you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers.

A few days ago my wife had her staples removed and she can now drive to her rehab appointments. We are told that it will take many more weeks before is fully recovered, but at least we are starting to see progress.

This afternoon I started to get back into the work routine. It was so hard to be away from the Foundation for the last two weeks and now that I am back to work I have called my wife a few times to make sure she can handle the rehab workouts without me. In reality, things are going very well both at the Foundation and at home – without much assistance from me.

It is a privilege to work for an inspiring board and with dedicated and talented associates. Sometimes it takes being away from the work that you find meaningful and fulfilling to realize how much you really love it.

One of Mr. K’s associates at Marion Laboratories --Jim McGraw -- once told me that happiness is:

Someone to love
Work to be done
Something to look forward to

By this definition, I am happy person!


Steve,That definition of happiness is right on. Thanks for inspiring your family and this entire community.

Steve,Glad the knee replacement surgery went well. I really like the definition of happiness too.Best regards,Phil Hanson

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About Me

Steve Roling

Steve Roling

Steve Roling is the President/CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Each week he blogs about issues that inspire him as we work toward eliminating barriers to quality health.
