Local Health Buzz

Serving the children: Child Protection Center spotlights abuse

By Lisa L. Mizell, CEO of Child Protection Center

Every year, the Child Protection Center (CPC) serves hundreds of abused children and their caregivers. Since the CPC’s door opened in 1996, it has served over 12,000 children and its mission has remained the same: respect the child, and protect their voice throughout the investigation of child abuse.

Since April is Child Abuse Prevention month, it gives the CPC an opportunity to spotlight an ever-growing problem and the many manifestations of abuse.


Get involved with building awareness of sexual violence

Julie DonelonBy Julie Donelon, President & CEO of MOCSA, the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault

At MOCSA, our staff and volunteer advocates see victims of sexual violence in area hospital emergency rooms in the immediate hours after they have experienced their most traumatic moments. They are scared. They are confused. They are mentally — and sometimes physically — bruised, battered and scarred.


Public health at its best is invisible to the community

Lougene MarshBy Lougene Marsh, MPA, Director, Johnson County Department of Health and Environment

Public Health Week is a great time to reflect on public health and what it means to me and to the community.

Isn’t it so true that there are just some things that we take for granted? Really, these days who thinks about whether we have clean water? Or whether our waste is properly disposed? Or whether our children and grandchildren will be subject to the ravages of polio, measles, and whooping cough? Or whether we can rely on out-of-home care for children to be both safe and of high quality?


Missouri should embrace jumping jacks

By Hanna and Aurora, fifth grade students at Pershing Elementary School

Pershing Elementary School has been trying to pass a bill (this year: SB 669)…for six years. The idea is to make the jumping jack the official exercise of Missouri.


Reflections on six months

By Bridget McCandless, President/CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

This month I had the privilege of attending the Grantmakers in Health conference, a gathering of organizations working in the health philanthropy field. While these organizations were of different sizes and different missions, conference discussions clearly demonstrated that we all share the rather large challenges to healing and wellness.


A millennial's experience with the Health Insurance Marketplace

By Karl Fundenberger, freelance web designer

I just enrolled for a new insurance policy through the Health Insurance Marketplace. The process was quick and easy, and I ended up with a plan that's better than my current one!

As a freelance web designer, I have carried my own insurance for more than a year, but it's not a great plan. It's one of those 'catastrophic' plans, whose premium is low but the deductible is high.


Marketplace Chasm: Failed Medicaid expansion leaves gaping hole

By Tonia Wright, Editor-in-Chief of accessHealth News & President/CEO of Grace Advertising & Consulting, Inc.

By the end of January, about 9 million Americans had signed up for health insurance, a mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). February tallies logged about 3.3 million people who received a health insurance plan via a state exchange or through HealthCare.gov.

Other figures conclude that 6.3 million people received new or renewed Medicaid coverage, and another 3 million young adults gained coverage through their parents’ plans.


HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at jsykes@hcfgkc.org.



About Bridget's Blog

Bridget McCandless

Bridget McCandless, MD, MBA, FACP, HCF President/CEO

Bridget McCandless is the President/CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Specialist with an interest in chronic disease management and poverty medicine. She shares her thoughts and perspectives on health and policy issues that impact the health of the community as a whole.

September 25, 2013
September 3, 2013

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