Marsha Corbin Awarded 2013 Healthy Lafayette Award

October 29, 2013
Jennifer Sykes

LEXINGTON, MO - The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City (HCF) has awarded Marsha Corbin as the 2013 recipient of the Healthy Lafayette award for her work with the University of Missouri Extension in creating healthy living projects in Lafayette and beyond. (In the photo below, from left to right: CAC member Terry Thompson, Marsha Corbin and HCF President/CEO Bridget McCandless, M.D.)

CAC member Terry Thompson, Marsha Corbin and HCF President/CEO Bridget McCandless, M.D.

Under Corbin's leadership, Lafayette County has experienced a growth of farmers markets, expansion of food pantries, added miles of trails and walkways and promoted healthy eating among children and families. Corbin also played a significant role in the county’s Social Innovation Grant that is focused on reducing tobacco use and obesity. That grant has served as a blueprint for a number of new health and wellness efforts that are part of Lafayette County’s “Live Healthy Live Well” initiative.

In the nomination of Corbin for this award, Carla Gibson of the REACH Healthcare Foundation said that Marsha brings "both “big picture” thinking and on-the-ground creativity to ways that Lafayette’s small communities can overcome health challenges."

Specific examples of her work include:

  • Working with citizens and city staff and engineers to help Lexington and Higginsville develop “connectivity” plans that resulted in the placement of thousands of feet of new sidewalks.
  • Helping Crystal Lake in Lexington upgrade their walking trails, adding a handicap-accessible fishing dock and butterfly garden
  • Partnering with local farmers to create farmers markets and arrange for EBT machines to accept food stamps to ensure that low-income families had access to fresh produce
  • Working with school leaders to get fresh foods and locally grown items into lunchrooms

"Marsha's creativity and collaborative spirit have paved the way for a healthier Lafayette County," said HCF President/CEO Bridget McCandless, M.D. "We are so pleased to honor her work with the Healthy Lafayette Award."