Remembering Landon Rowland

By Mark Flaherty on February 26, 2016
Inaugural Board Member, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

At this month’s HCF Board of Directors meeting, I gave a tribute to Landon Rowland, inaugural HCF board member, who died on December 29, 2015. Landon was a true visionary who contributed to every aspect of what the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City now means to our community. Throughout his life Landon was […]

Eliminating the CIF: A risky proposition with no clear benefits

By Shannon Cotsoradis on February 5, 2016
President and CEO, Kansas Action for Children

Since the Children’s Initiatives Fund (CIF) was established with tobacco settlement dollars in 1999, it has become the cornerstone of funding for our early care and education system in Kansas. In fact, pretty much every program that serves young children has received or is currently receiving funding from the CIF. That is why Governor Sam […]

Why are so many Kansans buying groceries in Missouri?

Groceries Healthy Eating

By Ashley Jones-Wisner on January 22, 2016
State Policy Manager, KC Healthy Kids

You might think that because Kansas is known as the “bread basket” of the nation, its people don’t have to worry about being able to afford their food. However, unlike every single one of its neighboring states, Kansas has not reduced or fully exempted groceries from its state sales tax rate. Consequently, Kansas now has […]

Caring for Kansas City’s hardest workers

Human service organizations in Johnson County were very interested in learning more about trauma-informed care, but wanted a collective way to learn about and advance the concept. The grant from the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City made it possible. The financial support allowed United Community Services of Johnson County (UCS) to commit staff time to convene and facilitate the Trauma-Informed Care Task Force of Johnson County. A report on the project will be available on the UCS website in December. Thank you HCF.

By Julia Westhoff on November 20, 2015
Executive Director, Secondary Trauma Resource Center

Here at the Secondary Trauma Resource Center we train and consult with Kansas City’s hardest workers on how taking care of themselves and each other is not only important – it’s an ethical imperative. Working with cops, nurses, social workers, therapists, teachers, fire fighters, shelter workers and others has taught us that our community has […]


HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at .


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