Dear Bike, I like you. Let’s go see a movie! Love, Allen County Pedalfest

By David Toland on September 1, 2016
Executive Director, Thrive Allen County

Establishing a culture of health in a small community takes many ingredients.  One of the most important is making active living normal—a regular part of daily routines for people in overalls or blue jeans as much as for people in spandex. When people see an adult male on a bicycle, we want the assumption to […]

Power of partnerships evident in community transformation

By Henry Hodes on August 24, 2016
Director of Neighborhood Initiatives, Upper Room

Since 2011, we at the Upper Room have been working with dozens of partner organizations to implement our Neighborhood Transformation Initiative in two urban core Kansas City neighborhoods — Blue Hills and Town Fork Creek. Our NTI is simultaneously comprehensive — tackling education, health, housing, and jobs — and grassroots — relying on strong neighborhood […]

DeLaSalle students are cooking up healthy lifestyles

By Roxane Johnson on July 13, 2016
Associate Director of Grants, DeLaSalle Education Center

Who would ever guess that teenagers and healthy living would be a likely combination – especially without a revolt? At DeLaSalle Education Center, the move toward encouraging a healthier lifestyle for our students and staff was not an overnight event, and we’re still a work in progress, thanks to the ongoing commitment from the Health […]

Kansas City, MO loses its bike friendly community designation

By Eric Rogers on June 28, 2016
Executive Director, BikeWalkKC

Last month the League of American Bicyclists released their latest list of Bicycle Friendly Communities, and Kansas City, MO was conspicuously absent from the list. KCMO has been a Bronze Bike Friendly Community for several years, and the designation was up for renewal in 2015. According to the League, the City did not submit an […]

Engaging in leadership to address health inequity

By Gina Maree on June 20, 2016
President, Innovative Leadership Strategies, LLC

Leadership is an activity, not a role or position! This is a core concept taught in the Healthy Communities Leadership Academy offered by the HCF for the past three years. When leadership is an activity, it means we all have the capacity and responsibility to act. This is both liberating, because we can empower ourselves […]

Neighborhood engagement key to healthy communities

By HCF Blog Team on May 6, 2016

Editor’s note: In our last feature on our 10-year report, we highlighted the efforts of municipalities that are working toward healthier communities. But neighborhood organizations are creating improvements as well, as you’ll read in this excerpt. Read more about healthy communities. In addition to municipalities, neighborhoods also are stepping up with grassroots solutions to stimulate active […]

A Decade of Difference: city efforts encourage healthier communities

complete streets

By HCF Blog Team on April 15, 2016

Since 2010, a dozen municipalities in the region have implemented complete streets resolutions. A “complete street” is a street that allows for multiple modes of transportation, such as walkers, bikers, bus riders and wheelchairs, in addition to cars. Many municipalities in the region are also working to create areas more conducive to physical activity. Johnson […]

Encourage nutrition in the workplace through community-supported agriculture

This past summer and into late fall, HCF associates incorporated more complete nutrition into their workday with a variety of vegetables provided by community-supported agriculture (CSA).

By Victoria McNack on April 6, 2016
Administrative Assistant, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

Well-balanced meals are an important part of maintaining optimal health; be it a leafy green salad or a handful of your favorite nuts and berries, there are many ways to incorporate complete nutrition into a busy lifestyle. One way in which the Health Care Foundation associates chose to do this was to use community-supported agriculture […]

iPads open up communication for developmentally disabled adults

Center for Developmentally Disabled

By Stacie Bratcher on March 9, 2016
Director of Development, Center for Developmentally Disabled

There is no doubt that communication plays a vital role in human life. It not only helps to facilitate the process of sharing information and knowledge, but also helps people to develop relationships with others. Its importance cannot be underestimated; every day, we communicate with a variety of people including our families, our friends, our […]


HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at .


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