Looking Back on 10 Years: How Special Initiatives Have Helped Improve Systems of Care

By Karen Cox, PhD, RN, FAAN on May 18, 2015
Former Board Chair, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City reserves money each year for special initiatives. This funding helps to extend our grantmaking impact and advance our mission in a way that complements our three, core-funding areas. Over the past decade, HCF has funded more than 200 initiatives totaling more than $34 million. Grants ranged in […]

Reflections on 10 Years: HCF Board, CAC Working Together to Create Change

By Norm Siegel on April 8, 2015
Board of Directors, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

When HCF was formed a decade ago, then-Attorney General Jay Nixon had already witnessed too many foundations and charities lose their sense of mission along the way. To circumvent this outcome for HCF, he chose to form a Community Advisory Committee (CAC), which would oversee the board of directors of the foundation. The CAC would […]

Creating Balance in HCF’s Grantmaking Process

By Tracy Skidgel on March 25, 2015
Manager Administrative Services/Executive Assistant, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

When the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City embarked on their grantmaking journey a decade ago, we were at ground zero, certainly not the grantmaking organization of today. Starting from the ground up is never easy, but thankfully we had partners helping us along the journey. At the time, I was the only employee […]

Strong Ethics Shaped HCF

By Steve Roling on February 2, 2015
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

Shortly after I was hired as the President/CEO, founding board Chairman Dr. Harry Jonas asked me to contact several relatively new foundations around the country to find out what mistakes they made in their start-up years, and what things they did early on that they found successful. I was pleasantly surprised with how open other […]

10 Years of HCF: Reflections on the Beginning

By Dr. Harry Jonas on January 8, 2015
Inaugural Chair, Board of Directors, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

It’s hard to believe that next month marks the 10-year anniversary of our first grant at the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. I feel very blessed when I reflect on the flurry of activities 10 years ago. These are just a few memories of that very busy time spent building and shaping the […]


HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at .


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Kansas City MO 64108
(816) 241-7006
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