Take Time to Refresh Your Mind and Spirit

By Steve Roling on June 24, 2008
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

I started my career as a front line child care worker in a residential treatment facility for abused and neglected children. It was a wonderful job. I lived full time with the children, was paid $400 per month and only got a vacation when I took some of the children with me because we were […]

Money Does Not Solve Problems, People Do!

By Steve Roling on June 10, 2008
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

I had the pleasure of working for the Kauffman Foundation for over 11 years and in the early years of the foundation I had the honor of working directly with Mr. Kauffman (Mr. K). One day Mr. K told us that “Money does not solve problems, people solve problems and if people work together there […]

Count Yourself Lucky

By Steve Roling on May 22, 2008
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

Since March 31 I have been writing a blog and must admit that it is fun to express a point of view on community issues and then receive feedback from people you know and from folks you have never met. I thank all of you for reading and responding, either in writing or the other […]

Health Insurance Premiums Continue to Rise

By Steve Roling on May 9, 2008
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

A new study recently released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Washington Post shows that employer- sponsored health insurance premiums for family coverage increased 10 times faster than US employees’ median incomes from 2001to 2005. The report also found that the percentage of health insurance premiums covered by employees increased to 24.1% in […]

It’s a Darn Shame!

By Steve Roling on April 21, 2008
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

According to the US Census Bureau there are over 770,000 uninsured Missourians. At the beginning of the current legislative session, Governor Blunt and the leadership of the House and Senate all agreed a primary objective was reducing the number of uninsured. With about four weeks left, it appears that partisan politics has gotten in the […]

Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?

By Steve Roling on April 8, 2008
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

All across the country PBS is showing a documentary entitled “Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? Unfortunately, Kansas City’s PBS affiliate (KCPT) has decided to show this program at 1 in the morning. That’s too bad because local viewers are missing out on learning why a significant cause of poor health may not simply […]

The Maiden Voyage

By Steve Roling on March 31, 2008
Inaugural President and CEO, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

Those of you who know me will laugh when you hear I am writing a blog. To say I am technically challenged is an understatement. However, I do understand and appreciate various forms of communications so I have decided to join the 21st century. Over 20 years ago, I was the Publisher of the Kansas […]


HCF's Local Health Buzz Blog aims to discuss health and health policy issues that impact the uninsured and underserved in our service area. To submit a blog, please contact HCF Communications Officers, Jennifer Sykes, at .


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