2016 Board Application


The terms of six Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City (HCF) board members expire in December 2016. In selecting members for the HCF Board of Directors, special consideration is given to ensure that the candidate pool meets the qualifications outlined below.

The process for electing HCF Directors was established by the Missouri Attorney General when the Foundation was created in 2002. The process requires time and steps that go beyond those that are usually involved in recruiting candidates for board seats. However, it ensures that Foundation leadership emerges from qualified candidates who are diverse in gender, race and ethnicity, culture, service area geography, and expertise. Candidates who have experience or sincere interest in working with the underserved in the field of health are encouraged to apply. We embrace a broad definition of health that includes traditional definitions of health of individuals as well as the health of the communities we serve.

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is in charge of this significant task. The CAC is a 24-member group that is appointed by various elected officials throughout the HCF service area. The CAC Nominating Committee is charged with soliciting applications, interviewing and vetting applicants, and recommending a slate of nominees— at least 2 for each open slot — first to the full CAC for approval and then to the HCF Board of Directors for interviews and selection. The CAC is required to approve the final selection of candidates approved by the HCF Board.


HCF Directors serve without pay for a three-year term. Directors can be re-nominated for a second three-year term. In any year’s slate, there will be candidates who are eligible for reelection.

Conflict of Interest

HCF has a very strong commitment to integrity and open meetings. All who join the organization as staff or Board members are asked to declare any conflicts that would compromise the ability to be objective in decision-making. While we welcome members of the community who have ties to our grant work, there will be restrictions on those Board members’ ability to vote on or discuss any items that would constitute a conflict of interest. No Board member can benefit financially from any grant work of the Foundation.

All HCF Board members are required annually to complete and submit an Attestation and Statement of Personal Interests, which is outlined in the HCF Conflict of Interest policy.


Board meetings are held every other month starting in February 2017 at the HCF offices at 2700 E. 18th Street, Kansas City, MO 64127. It is customary for board members to spend at least 2-4 hours each month attending Board or Committee meetings. In addition, board members also spend time reading material in preparation for Board and Committee meetings. Consistent attendance is expected at both Board and Committee meetings. All Directors serve on one or more committees, many of which meet six times per year either in person, or by telephone conference call. Board members are invited to serve on two committees (time commitment for each committee varies) and attend the six Board meetings per year. Members are expected to maintain at least 60% meeting attendance.

Number of Candidates

This year, the Community Advisory Committee expects to submit to the HCF Board at its October 12th meeting a slate consisting of 10 to 15 candidates to fill the six expiring terms. At its December 2016 meeting the Board will elect six members from those nominated.

Timeline and Process

The CAC Nominating Committee begins the search process to identify candidates in July. Applicants are asked to complete the attached application and send in a current resume by August 31, 2016.

  • During September and October the Committee will review applications and select applicants for face-to-face interviews. Nominating Committee interviews with applicants will be audio or video recorded and made available to current HCF Board members as an aid to their selection process. Please note that the recorded interviews are for internal decision-making purposes only. HCF adheres to Missouri Open Meetings Law, which requires that HCF, when requested, will also provide public access to the written and recorded materials.
  • The Committee will identify a slate of nominees following the first round of interviews in October. Candidates who are not nominated for the recommended slate will be notified of their status after the full CAC meeting in November. After nominations have been made, HCF Board members will then take time to review the nominated applicants’ written responses to the interview questions along with the aforementioned video-recorded interview. Nominees will be briefly interviewed a second time by the HCF Board of Directors at its December 2016 meeting and the Directors will cast their votes that same day.
  • Election results will be communicated to nominated candidates within 48 hours of the final vote and ratification by the CAC. New Directors will participate in orientation prior to taking office at February 2017 Board meeting.

Schedule of Meetings

  • Board of Directors, 2nd Wednesday of even months from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
  • Administration and Logistics Committee, 3rd Thursday of odd months from 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Audit Committee, 2 times per year in May and July
  • Executive Committee, 1st Wednesday of odd months from 8:30-10:00 a.m.
  • Finance and Investment Committee, 3rd Monday of odd months from 12:00-3:30 p.m.
  • Program/Grants Committee, 2nd Tuesday of odd months from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
  • Bylaws Committee meets as needed throughout the year
  • Nominations Committee meets twice per year in the fall


  • Must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the City of Kansas City, MO and/or the following three counties in Missouri (Cass, Jackson or Lafayette) or a Kansas resident, taxpayer, property owner, or business owner.
  • Must have knowledge, expertise, education, or experience in one or more of the following: public health, health care delivery to the uninsured or underinsured, health advocacy, community/neighborhood development, asset management and investment strategy, philanthropic administration, marketing/public relations, law, social science research, or non-profit management.
  • Must contribute perspective in one or more of the following areas: uninsured and underinsured consumers of health care services; access to health care for the uninsured and underinsured; health promotion and education in underserved communities; health care quality and outcome improvement; health care needs of women, children, the elderly, low income, ethnic and cultural minorities, or general issues of public health.
  • Must have demonstrated core leadership attributes.
  • Must have a recognized reputation for integrity and competence.
  • Must have demonstrated an ability to devote the time necessary to fulfill Board responsibilities and regularly attend meetings.
  • Must have demonstrated an ability to understand and appreciate the role and responsibility of a public health care philanthropic foundation and the need to balance various constituency interests.
  • Must have demonstrated a personal interest in and concern for the public health and welfare of residents throughout the entire Missouri and Kansas Service Areas and a commitment to accomplishing the Corporation’s overall mission, purposes and goals.

Public officials are not eligible to serve as Directors. For purposes of this exclusion, “public official” means any elected or appointed officer or employee, other than those who serve without compensation, of any city, county, or state government or of the federal government. Any Director who chooses to run for election to public office must resign as a Board member upon filing documents declaring his or her candidacy.


Interested and qualified candidates are asked to complete this online application. Applicants must attach their most current resume (no more than 5 pages) with the completed application.

All materials must be submitted on or before August 31, 2016.
For questions or concerns please contact Victoria McNack at   or (816) 241-7006.

Additional information regarding the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City can be found in our 2014 Performance Review.

Fields marked with an * are required

Please complete the following application form and attach a current résumé.

Please email your current résumé to . 

I am fully prepared to dedicate the time and energy to serve on the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City Board. I will attend meetings regularly and serve as an active and involved member of the Board. I will serve with the utmost integrity and sensitivity to the health care needs of the citizens of this community. I have no conflict of interest in serving on the Foundation Board and no history of activities, illegal or otherwise that would cause embarrassment to the Board. The information that I have submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City
2700 East 18th Street, Suite 220
Kansas City MO 64127
(816) 241-7006
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