View the HCF May 2011 Newsletter online

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May 2011


In this Issue:


Patient-Centered Medical Home Summit

HCF, the REACH Healthcare Foundation, Blue Cross BlueShield of Kansas City and the Kansas City Quality Improvement Consortium are sponsoring a Patient-Centered Medical Home Summit on Wednesday, May 25th from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Kauffman Conference Center. Melinda Abrams, Vice President of Patient-Centered Coordinated Care at The Commonwealth Fun is the keynote speaker.

Register for the Patient-Centered Medical Home Summit.

Safety Net Pre-Proposal Conference

In our effort to eliminate barriers to quality health for the uninsured and underserved, HCF will announce its 2011 Safety Net Health Care Request for Proposals (RFP) in June. The 2011 Safety Net Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on June 16 at 1:00 at the Pioneer Auditorium (2700 E 18th Street) to discuss the RFP and application process.

Register for the Safety Net Pre-Preposal Conference.

HCF/KHI News: Local Efforts Combat Stigma of Mental Illness

After Jeremy McDowell's teenage son made a second suicide attempt, the sports entrepreneur decided to use the power of his business, where nearly 2 million people annually come through the turnstiles, to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness. Thus, on May 13 - 15 McDowell's Midwest Sports Productions will host the first softball tournament to benefit the Kansas City chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

It is one of a host of activities NAMI-KC and others are planning this year throughout the metro area to try to change public attitudes about people dealing with mental illness.

"So many parents are blind-sided by this," McDowell said. "They think 'Not my kid.' And then I realized how many people are affected by this and how many go untreated because their loved ones don't know the signs or don't want to face the fact that this is an illness, a treatable illness. … It woke me up to the stigma."

More information about local efforts to combat the stigma of mental illness.

This Week on the Local Health Buzz: School's Ban of Homemade Lunches Isn't the Answer

Last week a homemade lunch ban by a Chicago school made headlines, part of their healthy food policy. While school healthy food and wellness policies can be good tools, the Chicago school's policy may have unintended consequences such as some students choosing not to eat, according to Kudakwashe Chimanya, a Project Manager for Energy Balance for Kids Program.

Read the full article at the Local Health Buzz blog.
