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In this issue... June 2008

HCF Awards Nearly $8 Million in Mental Health Grants

At its May board meeting, HCF approved $7,936,153 in mental health grants. The grants were awarded to 36 organizations that improve access to mental health care. HCF received 78 grant applications totaling nearly $16 million in requests. All grant applications were reviewed by staff and outside reviewers.
Click here for a link to all approved grants.

"These organizations share in our dedication to provide mental health services to those who need them most in our community,” said Mary Lou Jaramillo, Chairman of the HCF Board of Directors. "We are pleased to award these grants to help individuals of all ages receive the information and treatment they need to overcome their mental illness and go on to lead fulfilling lives in our community.”

Safety Net Pre-Proposal Conferences

In November, HCF will invest $7 million in Safety Net grants. Eligible organizations are encouraged to apply. Letters of Intent are due on August 13, 2008 with full narrative proposals due on September 10, 2008.

Pre-Proposal conference will be held for potential applicants to ask questions and discuss changes in the grant application process. Conference will be held:

  • July 22, 2008 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the West Wyandotte County Library (1737 N. 82nd Street, Kansas City, KS)
  • July 23, 2008 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Pioneer Community College Auditorium (2700 E. 18th Street, Kansas City, MO)

Attention Current Grantees: Change in Final Reporting

Grants closing after June 1, 2008, will now require an abstract as part of the final report. Final report guidelines will reflect this change. The final report form is available on the HCF website.

TMC Receives $7.5 Million Grant

In May, HCF announced its single largest grant ever to Truman Medical Centers (TMC) to increase inpatient and mental health bed capacity in Kansas City.

The three-year $7.5 million grant, including a $3 million matching grant if TMC raises $3 million over the three-year period, will provide significantly improved inpatient care to seriously ill patients who need closer monitoring, while reducing congestion in the emergency department. Full Story.

Steve's Blog

Since it began just a mere two months ago, Steve’s Blog has logged over 150 visitors. Visit his blog and read about topics ranging from increased health insurance premiums to why inequality is making us sick.

Foundation's Launch Children's Oral Health Initiative

Project Ready Smile, a children’s oral health initiative jointly funded by HCF and the REACH Healthcare Foundation, recently began providing preventive oral health care to preschool-age children. The project provides free oral health screenings, fluoride varnish and oral health education to children enrolled in early childhood education and Head Start centers that serve low-income families.

Dental hygienists have been visiting participating early childhood programs since February to educate children and families about good oral health habits. Oral health screenings and fluoride varnish applications began in early May and will continue throughout the year. So far, 261 children at 11 centers have received screenings and fluoride varnish applications. Children who show signs of tooth decay or other oral problems are referred to a dentist for treatment. The project covers the cost of dental care for children who don’t have insurance or Medicaid coverage.

HCF and the REACH Foundation together have committed $500,000 for the initiative. Twenty early childhood education and Head Start centers have signed up to participate this year. Plans are to add more centers as the project continues. Learn more by visiting www.reachhealth.org.

Grantee Spotlight: Mother's Refuge

Each year, one million teenagers become pregnant in the United States. Teen pregnancy continues at a high level in the Kansas City area, with steadily increasing numbers of pregnant teens from all economic and ethnic groups.

Mother’s Refuge is designed to shelter and educate homeless, pregnant and parenting young women by providing comprehensive services that empower them to make successful life decisions for themselves and their babies.

Last year, HCF awarded Mother’s Refuge a $95,000 Healthy Lifestyles grant to provide its residents with proper nutritional training, meals and snacks, an exercise and fitness program and smoking cessation training. Read more.

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