Have a Little Faith

Sometimes I go months without reading a good book and sometimes I find myself reading two or three books at the same time. Well, I have been reading a lot lately.

Two weeks ago Mitch Albom was in Kansas City promoting his new book “have a little faith”. I had bought this new book because I had really enjoyed reading other books written by this author…especially his book entitled “Tuesday with Morrie”.

This new book touched my heart. It is a true story about two religious men from different backgrounds and with different faith journeys. One man was a rabbi from the Bronx; the other was a minister to a homeless congregation in Detroit. While the rabbi always felt comfort with his faith, he never stopped asking questions, especially when his young daughter died. The other minister was a drug addict who spent years in prison and living on the streets before he started his church for the homeless. He too struggled with his faith because he saw so much destruction and pain in the world.

One of the things I like about this book is that I bet every person who reads it will discover something unique to ponder depending where they are in their own faith journey. My take is that my faith journey is about asking questions and having enough curiosity and courage to challenge my current thinking so I can hopefully reach a deeper and more personal relationship with God. When I stop asking questions and having doubts…then my faith becomes stagnant. Faith is a journey of hope. Without hope, the meaning of life and death is hard to comprehend.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Steve. I too love Mitch Albom books. I struggle with severe ADHD and very few books can keep my attention, but all of his books do. That book is on my list to read; it sounds powerful... I hope my dad gets it for me for Christmas! It really amazes me how much Mitch Albom has done in his short life, he winds his own personal connection and pieces of his own life into all of his stories, making them truly unique. His stories reflect his living life with intention and purpose...he truly inspires me. I agree with you about Faith, Steve… when we stop asking questions or having doubts then faith might become stagnant. Its similar, in a way, to serving the poor… when we stop asking questions about the work we do and we accept all injustice that this world has, then we as providers need to find a different path. Sr. Berta often says, “If you get out of bed in the morning and really look around… and you're not angry there is something seriously wrong with you!” I agree with her! Like anything in life, whether your journey of faith, or working with the poor, requires constant motivation and inspiration...and I think Mitch Albom does a fantastic job at providing us with both.Thanks for sharing Steve. Your blog is the best and my favorite publication to read!

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About Me

Steve Roling

Steve Roling

Steve Roling is the President/CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Each week he blogs about issues that inspire him as we work toward eliminating barriers to quality health.
