America Deserves Open, Honest and Safe Debate on Health Care Reform

Most citizens are forming opinions on health reform based on how the current health system currently affects them. If they have never been turned down for coverage because of pre-existing conditions, if their health insurance is provided by their employer at a reasonable cost, or if their insurance premiums and co-pays have not increased substantially in the last few years, they may not see the urgency of health reform in America.

However, if they are one of the millions of Americans who have not had good experiences with the current health system, reforming our current health system is of absolute necessity. This clearly applies to both those folks who have access to health insurance and those who are uninsured.

Those opposed to health reform acknowledge some of our current problems but say that the “new system” -- whatever it is -- will be worse. They are playing on our fears of trusting government to provide programs/services that are yet to be fully defined. They are suggesting that whatever health reform plan is passed by Congress will bankrupt America.

I am glad these questions are being asked because America deserves an open, honest debate on this important issue. What America does not need are the dishonest and misleading comments and radio/TV ads and the unruly and rude people who are attending the open forums. Clearly politicians need to be asked tough questions and there will never be complete agreement with the answers. That is what makes our democracy strong. However, physical threats, yelling, damaging property, name calling, etc. is not useful and productive as we continue the public discourse on trying to determine how or if we should reform our current health system. We are better than this!


Thanks Steve. You are right… we are better than this. Playing on the fears is the swiftest way to persuade the public of inaccurate information. It is shameful to base decisions about our healthcare on emotion rather than accurate facts. How can we have a rational public discourse on our health care system when the irrational people are the loudest? I hope that the majority of Americans will prove to more rational than the fear mongering minority.

I think many of hoped that the Obama election would bring open, honest dialogue. I think we are more polarized now than we ever have been. And it is, for health care, and other issues, very, very damaging. I hope we can swing the health care debate back to sensible levels of discussion. We owe it to our children to finally get this right! Thanks, Steve, for all you do for our community.

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About Me

Steve Roling

Steve Roling

Steve Roling is the President/CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Each week he blogs about issues that inspire him as we work toward eliminating barriers to quality health.
