Missouri Budget Leaves Out Coverage for Kids - But There's Still Hope

By Jeremy LaFaver, Partnership for Children

A few weeks ago I wrote that it appeared the budget being developed in the Missouri Senate was promising. While true in many instances (like the addition of funding for 35,000 low-income parents), the Senate has rejected any changes to the current children’s health insurance program (CHIP).

However, not all hope is lost. Governor Nixon, who was elected with nearly 60% of the vote on a “health care for all” platform, has the opportunity to make certain changes within the administration to bring in as many as 90,000 kids who are currently eligible, but not yet enrolled in the MoHealthnet for Kids (CHIP) program. With 137,000 kids statewide without health insurance (20,000+ from Jackson County alone), it is incumbent upon our Governor to do the right thing and reach out to these families.

But, I have to say, it’s not all up to our Governor. We, as advocates and community members, need to reach out to Governor Nixon and say: What can we do to help? Where do we fit in as part of the solution? The Governor is certainly busy right now with the wrap up of the legislative session, so I encourage everyone, once the session is over and the dust has settled, to reach out to Governor Nixon and his administration with a helping hand. Let’s all try to be a part of the solution and come together as a community of health advocates. Working together, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.

Jeremy LaFaver is the Policy and Outreach Coordinator for Health Care and Protection Services at Partnership for Children. Partnership for Children is Kansas City’s leading children’s advocacy organization whose mission is to focus the energy of our community and our government on enhancing life for children and youth through research, education, and advocacy.


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